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About the Author

Nancy Soule', Author

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      You can now discover the secret life hidden aboard the huge floating cities that are today's cruise ships. As their own destination, these ships have jobs for up to 2200+ crew members fulfilling numerous critical jobs. Most jobs that are performed on land can translate to life at sea including roles in technology, culinary, casino, retail, secretarial, management, housekeeping, upholstery, electrical and mechanical engineering, and maintenance among so many others.  


     Now, with her books, "Work at Sea, See the World"  and "Notes That Float," she shares the intimate secrets of life below decks. 


      Nancy went to sea in 2011 and has been sailing the world ever since. After many years on land with vocal groups performing a cappella, blues, pop, big band, and jazz, Nancy found her dream job traveling the world and singing with a trio on cruise ships. From circumnavigating Australia to the numerous ports of the Mediterranean, the sunny beaches of the Caribbean to historic cities of Europe, she relished the chance to grace the stage every night doing what she loved.  Now she shares those travels and secrets of ship life in hopes that you too might expand your horizons and enjoy adventure - and get a paycheck to boot!


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